Shrimp and Grits

Shrimp and Grits

Being from the south grits are just a staple of daily life, as is seafood.  Charleston put shrimp and grits on the map, and this recipe adapted from Charleston Receipts is incredibly good.  It makes a big batch, so it's perfect for a get together! 1 1⁄4 lbs large shrimp (shell on) 1 bay leaf [...]

Tres Leches Bread Pudding

Tres Leches Bread Pudding

Lord have mercy this is some of the best bread pudding you'll ever taste!  I've never been a fan of anything tres leches until I made this recipe.  The sauce was so good I couldn't stop sampling it!  Even if you don't like bread pudding, try this.  It's just that good! Ingredients 1 loaf french [...]



I know, I haven't been keeping up with my job writing blog posts.  I have an excuse - really I do.  We moved. (yay!)  More about that later in another post once we get finished with unpacking and decorating the house.  So.. Last winter I was sewing away (happily) making a tulle table skirt for [...]

Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs

One of the staples of our holiday meals is deviled eggs.  It doesn't matter if it's Thanksgiving or Easter, Fourth of July or Christmas, we have deviled eggs with our holiday meal.  I didn't grow up eating deviled eggs at home - both of my parents are from the North and these are decidedly southern [...]