Chocolate Fudge Praline Shooters

Chocolate Fudge Praline Shooters

Last week I posted a photo of some shooters I made for a shoot we did for The Food Network a while back.  We were asked to create something holiday inspired, so we did a Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies inspired dessert table.  I was a bundle of nerves for weeks leading up to [...]

Butter Cake

I started making butter cakes for my baking business several years ago.  I was inspired after visiting Paula Deen's Lady and Sons restaurant one Fall and tasting her Pumpkin Ooey Gooey Butter Cake.  Holy smokes was that ever good! I love southern cooking (being from the south, would you expect anything less?) and desserts perfected [...]

Lemon Pound Cake

Lemon Pound Cake

I've been craving a lemon pound cake for a few days now.  I decided today was the day I would make one.  I've made vanilla pound cakes, chocolate pound cakes and marble pound cakes, but never lemon.  I used my standard pound cake recipe and just modified it slightly to use lemon extract instead of [...]