Heath Bar Blondies

Heath Bar Blondies

A few years ago I had the opportunity to provide desserts for one of the local restaurants in the area.  The pastry chef who was providing them prior had moved away, and unfortunately her recipes went with her.  The restaurant owner said the one dessert that he really hated to lose was the Heath Bar [...]

Grandma’s Toll House Cookies

This was Grandma Maguire's recipe for her chocolate chip cookies.  The recipe is also in her handwriting, on a piece of paper that is yellowed, torn and faded.  She made the best cookies anywhere, hands down. 1/2 cup shortening 1/4 cup sugar white 1/2 cup sugar brown 1 egg 1/2 cup nuts 1/2 tsp soda [...]

Nutter Butter Cookies

I was perusing the internet the other night looking for some baking inspiration, and ran across a recipe for home made Nutter Butter cookies from the good folks at Bouchon Bakery.  They looked absolutely amazing, so I decided to try it out.  I made a couple changes, but for the most part I kept the [...]