Chocolate Espresso Pots de Creme

Chocolate Espresso Pots de Creme

If you've never had pots de creme before, they are sinful little servings of what appears to be mousse, but it's oh so much more.  It's richer than any mousse you can find, and the addition of espresso brings out the chocolate flavor even more.  The ingredients are a little more on the expensive side [...]

Chocolate Fudge Praline Shooters

Chocolate Fudge Praline Shooters

Last week I posted a photo of some shooters I made for a shoot we did for The Food Network a while back.  We were asked to create something holiday inspired, so we did a Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies inspired dessert table.  I was a bundle of nerves for weeks leading up to [...]

Dried Oranges

The other night I was reading one of my holiday magazines and came across a recipe for a stovetop potpourri.  One of the ingredients was dried orange sections, so I did a little research and found that it's pretty simple to make.  The ingredients list is pretty small.. oranges  🙂  Here's what you do: Slice [...]